Launching Passport, by PayPal
A mobile-first set of trade tools designed to help small businesses expand into a new foreign market. We researched, prototyped and executed a set of trade tools into a handy microsite. This included tools such as political and interest rate risk calculators, shipping and insurance tools, an interactive trade flows map showing what categories of products are popular at certain times of the year, and much more. My role involved conceiving the various tools, then executing, from concept and prototypes, to testing and designs.
PayPal saw a successful launch of the site, with over 16k unique visits to the site and registration that beat initial goals in the first 2 months of launch.
A mobile-first set of trade tools designed to help small businesses expand into a new foreign market. We provided tools such as political and interest rate risk, shipping and insurance tools, an interactive trade flows map showing what categories of products are popular at certain times of the year, even a mentor program in the target country.
Banner Campaign
Paid banner and social campaign drives trial
This online banner and social campaign, plus targeted email, drove traffic to the microsite to learn more and register. The goal for PayPal was to try and motivate small businesses to expand in one foreign market.